Sunday, November 28, 2010

a walk in the park

On a recent Sunday morning when the wind was particularly cold and blustery and the recent friendliness of warm Indian summer sunshine had been replaced by a strong north wind that forced my hands deeper into my much too thin fall jacket; I walked with a cluttered mind down a gravel path at a local park. As I walked my mind and heart began clearing up a bit and I remembered that when my life in Christ was brand new and I was really a fish out of my water, I would find solace and reassurance and the Holy Spirit would find me...where I was walking this Sunday morning. And now this morning, as I started connecting with my surroundings, my eye found some of the most incredible visuals and I had a sense that I was to see beyond myself and my own "stuff" and see the trees despite the forest and so I tried and I think I did, I am...

Now as I'm posting this it seems that the life and death photo is a scene that has been oft repeated in my life. Something (effort, dream...) comes to fruition but then it dies or dramatically all seems dead...or perhaps it's when my "self" dies...then, upon closer inspection...there is life, there is green among the browns and life more abundantly than I first assumed.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I woke up early this morning, tried to go back to sleep but couldn' despite my grogginess, I began to think and hear and as often happens in the early morning, I seemed to hear God softly speaking to me...words of encouragement for you. He doesn't intend for you to be anxious about your future...we live in a frail, battered world where accidents happen and people get hurt...where what appears to be a left turn actually straightens our confident in knowing that despite our best efforts sometimes it's not enough. But Jesus is. Enough. I'm asking Him to continue to guide your incredibly bright future...follow where He leads you.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Just got word that one of my most favorite people ever is now in the presence of Jesus. Laura Garber was probably one of the most "saintly" people that I have ever known. Her kindness and ability to encourage were unmatched. But this morning her desire to be with her Savior has been fulfilled. Thank you, Laura for your encouraging words, your faithful example of Godliness and for loving and living well.

Monday, October 4, 2010


What is it about the mystery of God's presence that keeps me asking for more? Why does the unexplained happen and then remain unexplained? Is my heart open? Are my eyes seeing? Do you believe that the Spirit of God manifests himself physically? What if someone walked up to you and during your conversation, her hand began to shake uncontrollably and the Holy Spirit began to minister to you as she laid that hand on your chest as she prays over you? What would that mean to you or how would you react? Would you chalk it up to "weird" experience? I was tempted to but couldn't. I guess what I did was accept the experience as confirmation that recent decisions were indeed taking me in the right direction and that for sure, as the song by Geoff Moore so beautifully says, Jesus knows my name and he knows my every thought.

And then in one of my previous posts I mentioned a retreat that I was going "post retreat" I have reflected many times on the experience of being with a group of men that I really didn't know and how the Spirit of God, I believe, used these men to minister to me at a time when uncertainty and questioning seemed to plague me. For the record, I am not accustomed to being in settings where prophetic words are spoken with such clarity and additionally, I can be a healthy/unhealthy skeptic...there were a number of things spoken over me but as I recall them, the one that most deeply affected me were the words "Father wants you to know He is well pleased with you". They were just a few words but these words were like a healing balm washing over me. I chose to accept those words and realized afresh that Jesus loves me (this I know?) Yes, I know again.

As I've recounted this experience, I've argued with myself and on one hand I want to say that my faith is rather simple...that I'm relying on an emotional response and on the other hand, I would say that Jesus said unless our faith is like that of a child we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. I know this doesn't undermine the importance of discernment and wisdom, (which is where I am most comfortable), but there seems to be a time for embracing my faith with the simplicity of a child and saying yes to the supernatural acts of God; saying yes to allowing Jesus to fill every nook and cranny of my being. Today, I'm saying yes more frequently and with greater urgency.

Friday, August 20, 2010


This is the first week of a major change in direction for me. After a week in Florida that seemed to aid the transition I find that I have much to be grateful for...I love that for the first time in 4 years I am in an office with windows...that a quick stroll to the mailbox can be combined with pulling a few weeds in a flower bed...that my dog Buster is always happy to be in my company and that I haven't shaved in what is approaching two weeks.

It seems I'm forever wrestling with how the future looks and finding my place in it. But the wrestling is a process that is growing and stretching me.

Tonight I join a group of guys from the area at the Amigo Centre for a mini retreat. I have never been interested in a beat-my-chest, shoot some guns, let's prove that we are real men powwow, so I seriously hope that this is nothing like attendance is a direct result of an invite from a person that has serious credibility with me. So, I go wanting to hear God and yes, perhaps it's another step in the process. Regardless, I want to be found worthy of His calling, whatever shape or form that turns out to be.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Leadership Summit - T.D. Jakes

Combustible Passion ~

You cannot impassion other people when you yourself aren't passionate.

They come to follow Jesus and they get stuck with you.

People follow people who move. They need to see that the vision is bigger than they are.

Self-assessment is critical to the success of great leadership.

If you always surround yourself with people just like you they will compete with you but they won't complete you. It is critical that you surround yourself with people that are different than you.

All of this information doesn't mean much if you as a leader run out of gas. When my heart is overwhelmed and I'm tired and exhausted. I go the The Rock.

If you're going to lead people you have to allow them to see your wounds and to see who you really are.

Leadership Summit - Terri Kelly/Daniel Pink

A long term view assumes that new hires agree with values and principles and practices of the company or organization. If that assumption is made, proper communication of the a fore mentioned core values must be communicated in a variety of ways.

Sponsorship/mentoring is an integral part of each persons success.

The leader is only a leader if there are people that want to follow them.

Leadership by influence rather than position or title.

Start with false assumptions and success will always be just out of reach.

If our human nature is to be active and engaged, what causes us to be passive and inert?

Humans are not machines or blobs.

AMP! Develop these three characteristics in your environment and give a non-monetary gift and motivation to those around you!

- AUTONOMY: of time; as a team; tasks and techniques
Self direction leads to engagement.

- MASTERY: feedback is critical to our success.

- PURPOSE: profit is a good motivator but it is becoming less effective than the purpose motive.

The single biggest motivator at work is progress.

Leadership Summit - Jeff Manion

The Land Between ~

Numbers 11. We use the language of "for now" when we're in the land between. The land between is fertile soil...fertile for complaint. The land between is also fertile ground for his provision. What if he still provides? What if our gracious God says "keep your hands open, let me provide." What if the land between is

Cosmic treason - "God, we were better off without you".

God's reply to Moses - Is the Lords arm too short?

Discipline: inflicting pain for redemptive purposes.

The land between is fertile soil for Transformational Growth. It doesn't happen automatically. When you travel in the land between your heart is in danger. The wilderness is the best greenhouse for transformation but it is also the place where faith goes to die. The habits of the heart that we foster in this space-our responses and reactions-will determine whether the Land Between results in spiritual life or spiritual death.

Trust evicts complaints. They are incompatible roommates. The land between is where the Holy Spirit does some of his richest and deepest work.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leadership Summit - Andy Stanley

The Upside of Tension ~

Leaders learn how to leverage problems that never go away in such a way that they become a growth engine for the organization.

If problems keep resurfacing -

1. Identify the tensions.
2. Create terminology
3. Inform the core
4. Continually give value to both sides.
5. Don't weigh in to heavily based on your personal bias
6. Understand the upside of the opposite side and the downside of your side.
7. Don't allow strong personalities to win the day. We need passionate people who will champion their side but also mature people that understand the art.
8. Don't think in terms of balance but in terms of the rhythm of your organization.
Then have the confidence to make "the call."
If you'll identify and leverage the tensions they will actually become part of your story.

Leadership Summit - Adam Hamilton

When Leaders Fall~

All of us are wired for companionship and sexual intimacy and both of these mixed with sin is a volatile combination.

Moment of the maybe...what would it be like? When sin is rationalized, mobilized...

If you keep talking about it, considering it or dwelling on it, eventually the maybe turns into a yes.

Resist The Temptation:
Remember who you are.
Recognize the consequences of your actions.
Rededicate yourself to God
Reveal your struggle to a trusted friend.
Remove yourself from the situation.

1Thess. 4:3-5 and 7

Leadership Summit - Craig Groeschle and Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy~stubbornness is a virtue when you're right.

Life balance ultra-important.
Don't mistake hours for productivity.

Tony is championing mentoring and encouraging leaders to make themselves available. We have something to offer, it doesn't mean that we have all the answers it simply means that we are willing to speak into another persons life.

Leadership Summit - Jim Collins

How the mighty fall ~
Good is the enemy of Great. It's a matter of conscience We must have great church leadership spread throughout every single corner of the world.

No one is immune...ANYONE can fall.

It is not success that leads to failure. Instead, what will is outrageous arrogance to neglect our life calling and to fail to pursue it as we did when we first discovered it. It is outrageous arrogance to think that because our intentions are good that our actions would necessarily be good.

The signature that separates level 5 leaders from level 4 leaders is HUMILITY and the will to do whatever it takes. Undisciplined pursuit of MORE is what brings the mighty down.

Unless we have all the key seats filled with fantastic people we must resist growth until we have them. Attempting to implement vision without this step equals failure.

Culture of denial ~ Are you a team that is on its way up or way down?

Greatness is a cumulative process.

Measure success by money you will always lose.

Core values are not open for compromise.

To Do:

1. Do your diagnostics.
2. Count your blessings. Why? When you begin to count all the successes and good things in life that came your way with which you had nothing to do, HUMILITY is the result.
3. What is your questions to statements ratio and can you double them in the next year? Spend less time trying to be interesting and more time being interested.
4. How many key seats on your bus are filled and whats the plan to fill the empty seats.
5. Do your team diagnostics.
6. Complete an inventory of the brutal facts with your team.
7. Culture of discipline has nothing to do with what we do but what we are willing to stop doing.
8. Define results and show milestones
9. Double your reach to young people by changing your practices but not your core values.
10. Set some big hairy audacious goals.

Never capitulate, never give in.

Leadership Summit - Bill Hybels

Staying here BREAKS the heart of God! Figure out what God wants to get done in this world and figure out what your role is. Then move from here to there. Take your people and your vision.

Fantastic people have great Character; Competence; Chemistry and Culture (value/style etc)...what kind of person flourishes on our team?

"I live for experiences like this" holy challenge of assembling developing inspiring a fantastic team of people is an incredible privilege.

Mile markers and celebrations: vision MUST be reinforced constantly. Celebrate every mile marker along the way. People stay on mission if they have a sense of hope that they will get there someday. Turn set backs into celebrations.

Whispers from God: John 10:27 when God speaks can you hear? Do you think God still speaks and will you do everything possible to hear him?

Don't quit; Step UP; Take a risk; Apologize now; make the tough decision; get help; stop running from God; slow down; show your heart; let others lead; feed your soul; bless the team; make the ask; do something more impactful; come clean; embody the vision; celebrate the victories; speak the truth; pay the price; count your blessings; end the secret; check your motives; set the pace; give God your best; get physically fit; serve your family; pray; humble yourself.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

In Brief

This morning I announced to the MCCh family that I have resigned from my position as Administrative Pastor effective Aug. 6. This was a most difficult conclusion to arrive at but as Brenda and I struggled to manage our relationship and the family business and a more recent business venture that she is involved in it became increasingly clear that major changes needed to occur.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I’ve had in being part of the leadership team these last four years. To be able to sit with men that are seeking hard after God and His will has been very rewarding. Some of my most cherished memories included seeing many of you take steps forward in your relationship with Jesus and each other. I pray that we will all continue to be connected to the world around us, pressing in to bring Jesus to those in need.

I have learned much and my world has expanded a great deal as I've been pushed and prodded to continue to grow into the person God desires me to be. I'm grateful to Pastor Mel and the rest of the staff for the opportunity to serve alongside them. And I thank the MCCh family for your support and encouragement. Blessings.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kenya Update

Christmas 2009, the economy was dismal but you all stepped up in a big way and we had a Big Give Sunday where we raised money for specific projects. It is exciting and humbling to see what God can do through us. Recently we received this note from Agape School in Kenya the recipient of $12,000 of your generousity.

...on behalf of the entire Agape Dayspring School community I wish to thank you and your entire church for the donation of $12,000.00 which helped in changing the outlook of our school, as you can compare the photos attached before and after roofing exercise.

We have had a heavy rains in Kenya. It has never rained the way it did this time. Our building would have been destroyed by much water. Thank God that the donation came at the right time. All the money was used for the purpose intended.

God bless you.
Bishop Duncan Mbogo

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Live In Me

This is the video that introduced the sermon on Sunday, April 18, 2010. For sermon content go here

Monday, April 5, 2010

Good Friday 2010

Good Friday 2010

Check out these pictures from Good Friday. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Communion Conundrum

Today as I checked on the communion supplies, as so often happens, I ended doing more than just checking supplies. I took everything out of storage and made preparations for a volunteer that takes care of assembling the cups in the trays.

As I was doing so I was struck by how nonchalantly I placed the little metal crosses on top of each of the communion tray lids. When I paused to consider this, I became aware that perhaps this nonchalant attitude is somewhat representative of my thoughts or worse yet lack of thought that is regularly given to considering the extent to which Jesus suffered for me. This cross that represents life to me and anyone else who is a follower of Jesus, this same cross represents the cruel death of our Savior. His blood was shed for us. His blood for our redemption...Sorrow for my sin and the sin of my friends has sort of wrecked me the past 24 hours...I can't imagine what Jesus must have felt like hanging on the cross with the entire scope of human sin weighing him down. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Good Friday intro

This is the video we showed on Sunday morning to introduce the Good Friday service happening this coming Friday, April 2nd at 7p.

Friday, March 12, 2010

On mission - in business III

Tim Troyer - business coach / The Effective Coach - empowering your team for success

Tim is a business coach for individuals and companies around the world. In addition to his coaching life he also founded The Reckoning International.

Valuable take - aways:
  • Every arena of life is designed for God's glory
  • Jesus reached people where they were in an authentic honest manner
  • Work is part of our holy calling to bring glory to the Lord
  • God's principles work regardless of your position in life
  • What is empowerment? reversing powerlessness.
  • Where's the love and where's the power; LOVE NEVER FAILS. There is power in helping people reach their full potential, believe in people - see their potential, share your resources.
Know - Feel - Do
competency based development - knowledge, attitude and skills that shape the behaviors of successful people and businesses. There are things that people need to know, feel and do to be successful. Model leadership with empathy and compassion.

Coaching is not teaching, mentoring, advising or counseling. "Coaching is helping people to learn instead of teaching them." Sir John Whitmore

Adults learn on their own initiative, they learn more keenly and permanently.
  • Insight is more powerful than advice. Jesus modeled this powerfully with the coaching he did with his disciples. "Who do people say that I am?" "Who do you say that I am?" Use questions to stimulate answers.
Goal -specific, attainable / What is the one thing I should be doing?
Reality - change your current reality to a better one
Options - what can you start doing right now?
Will - what will you do? Who will you be accountable to?

  • "If we are working with people and we don't have a positive impact in their lives - God is not a particularly happy camper"
"No executive has ever suffered because his subordinates were strong and effective" - Peter Drucker

Favorite quote: "Sometimes we act like Cinderella with amnesia...we dance with the Prince and then forget and regress back to scrubbing floors."

On mission - in business II

Session 2 the Effective Leader - Inspired or Tired? by Bill Mullet founder and CEO of Provia Door.

Love this - love hearing from unlikely sources...I shouldn't be surprised but these retreats and the variety of speakers are powerful in part because we get to be resourced by people from all walks of life. Bill is a Beachy-Amish pastor in addition to being a local business leader. His passion for leadership resonated with us on many levels.

Philippians 4:8 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. We as followers of Jesus are called to a higher standard as indicated by Pauls writing in Philippians.

Here are my take-aways:

  • No organizational movement, no need to lead. If you aren't going anywhere you don't need a leader.
  • Leadership is INFLUENCE. Influence is based on TRUST. Trust is based on CHARACTER, INTEGRITY, COMPETENCE, HUMILITY.
  • When all else fails please don't use the authority card. If you do you've pretty much lost the game. i.e. because I'm the boss; I'm your Dad etc...
  • An effective leader: Has a strong sense of purpose. Clear sense of calling. Knows what really fulfills them; is persistent; ask questions to help someone else answer their own questions. Possesses humility. Is progressive. Repents when necessary. Is a perpetual student. Loves his work. If you don't love your job...get off the bus. Has the ability to "color" and empower their people. Exhibits relational maturity; transparency. Is confident. Is a good follower. "One will never know how to be a great leader till he learns how to be a good follower!"
Loved this story: A young daughter was complaining about the difficulties of life to her mother and so the mother put three kettles of water on the stove, filling one with some carrots, another with eggs and yet another with some coffee.

After the water was brought to a boil; she put the carrots and eggs on a plate and strained the coffee into a cup. Then she asked her daughter to describe the effect that the water had on each item. Well, her daughter said, the carrots are mushy and soft, and the eggs are hard but the coffee..mmm it smells so good. Right, the mother said, now we have some the effect that the water had on the vegetables and eggs, do we also allow the water or difficulties of life to define us or do we, as the coffee defined what the water became, take our circumstances and define our environment to create a wonderful aroma?

Favorite quotes:
Howard Hendricks - "Most people don't think, they just rearrange their prejudices."

"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters.

Bills book recommendations: Speed of Trust - Stephen R. Covey
Good to Great - Jim Collins

On mission - in business

Brenda and I are at the beautiful little town of Walnut Creek, OH spending time with many friends from across the country at the BOOST retreat. This is an annual business retreat that we got involved with several years ago that moves around to several different communities in the midwest and provides a time for followers of Jesus who happen to be business people to get together and refocus, network and re-energize.

This year we have a number of different speakers presenting in their areas of expertise. First up this morning was Glenda Lehman Ervin, vp of marketing from Lehman's Hardware in Kidron, OH. Glenda brought us a wealth of experience and information in the area of marketing and communication. I will post a video shortly that will show you her entire presentation. Some take away's to ponder and act on:

  • Customers have choices – they want to be in charge
  • We compete for wallet share
  • Brand your product in such a way that you differentiate yourself from the competitor.
  • There are multi channels for marketing communication - use them. Glenda named this brick, flip, click. Brick being the brick and mortar store front, flip as in catalogs and click on the internet. Of course, depending on your particular business you may have other avenues or you may only use several of these. But all should be considered as potential ways to build relationships with your customers and friends. Speaking of the internet, it was so important for me to hear her confirming the proper use of social media like twitter, facebook and you tube. Positive word of mouth is the best source of advertising, the internet is word of mouth on turbo. Great, great insight!
  • Facebook is a free, immediate, international focus group
  • Use Google alerts to track comments about you or your services/products.
  • 2/3rd of people on the internet use some form of social media...think FB, Twitter etc...
  • TESTIMONIALS!!! a potential customer needs an average of 6 testimonials about your product or service in order to click the "buy" button. Immediate take-away...get testimonials posted on your site.
  • Track everything. Measure the effectiveness of your marketing by tracking everything. Know how people find you. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this. One is to use Google alerts. Do a little research and you'll find other ways as well. The easiest form of tracking if you have verbal communication is to ask. Simple, but most of us don't do it.
  • Change happens very quickly - be prepared.

  • Glenda's recommended reading is The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Recently I had a conversation with a friend regarding why cancer had given her a big scare last year and why her friend is in a reoccurring battle with the dreaded disease...questions like...if God is a good God...?? how do I manage the fear related to IT coming back...?? My words of encouragement like "God's purposes are at times secretive and unknown to us but his grace, love and mercy are ever present whether we feel it or not" were not cursory words said without thought or feeling but still seemed to be just words. I really don't have and didn't have any great answers but that conversation among others has caused me to do some very uncomfortable "fear" digging that is unearthing some of the why's and how's of my own fears.

One of the books I'm reading right now is Fearless by Max Lucado. He says "Fear will always knock on your door. Just don't invite it in for dinner. And for heaven's sake, don't offer it a bed for the night. What if faith not fear was our default reaction to the mole on our back; to the fear of going broke; being sued...? According to Jesus, this is possible. The one statement he made more than any other was "Don't be afraid." This past weekend New Spring Church showed this video of Zac and I'm posting it here for your and my encouragement.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Hallmark makes a killing on today, somebody said it's a plastic holiday...The origins of the day are debatable but the premise behind the day is not. Love generously, sacrificially, with our whole heart everyday. Showed this during the opening this morning...have a valentine laugh.

Monday, January 11, 2010

10 Choices

Perry Noble, pastor at New Spring Church South Carolina writes the following blog post.

10 Choices a Leader Needs to Make About his Staff -
January 6, 2010

#1 – Choose to believe the best about the people on your team rather than always assuming the worst about them.

#2 – Choose to trust them to make decisions that matter without having to run every minor detail by you for your approval.

#3 – Choose to believe that when they ask particular questions that they aren’t being disloyal but rather seeking clarification.

#4 – Choose to believe that they really do love the church and want to see it thrive.

#5 – Choose to lead through inspiration and revelation–NOT intimidation, humiliation, condemnation and manipulation.

#6 – Choose to listen to them before making a decision that will directly impact them.

#7 – Choose to value them as a human being and NOT just a person who can perform a task.

#8 – Choose to take a few extra minutes to coach them through the “why” of a particular decision so that they are equipped/empowered to make the decision on their own the next time.

#9 – Choose to allow them to present the solution to the problem they are telling you about. (A great leader will always have a solution to whatever problem they are bringing to your attention.)

#10 – Choose to point out all of the things they are doing well instead of just focusing on the areas they are messing up.