Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Beatitudes of Reconciliation

Blessed are those who are willing to enter into the process of being healed, for they will become healers.

Blessed are those who recognize their own inner violence, for they will come to know nonviolence.

Blessed are those who can forgive self, for they will become forgivers.

Blessed are those who are willing to let go of selfishness and self-centeredness, for they will become a healing presence.

Blessed are those who listen with compassion, for they will become compassionate.

Blessed are those who are willing to enter into conflict, for they will find transformation.

Blessed are those who know their interdependence with all of creation, for they will become unifiers.

Blessed are those who live a contemplative life stance, for they will find God in all things.

Blessed are those who strive to live these beatitudes, for they will be reconcilers.

-Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday Generosity

I had a conversation with Naomi the other day:

...she was sitting at a local tire store recently getting some work done on her van. Sitting next to her was an old friend that she used to babysit for when his children were young. He now lives in Canada and they both just "happened" to be at the same place. As they reconnected, Naomi and her friend shared stories of their life as it is and the friend learned that her husband had been unemployed for many months and things were difficult at best. Soon the tire store rep came and told Naomi that not only did her van need the work done that she came in for but her tires were badly worn and needed to be replaced...but that they had some good used ones they would sell her instead of installing new ones. Naomi, clearly frustrated, said unfortunately, while she appreciated the gesture, she simply didn't have the money for tires...that's when her friend said, Naomi, I was sitting here before you got here and felt that God was asking me to stay, but my car was I had them flush my transmission though it didn't really need it I know why I was to stay. I believe God is asking me to pay for your tires and for the other work that is being done on your vehicle. Yes, I would like to do that, will you allow me to do so?

Gifts are sometimes difficult to accept, especially when you want to "do for yourself" but Naomi accepted, with gratefulness.

A chance meeting? Hardly. Generosity? Obedience? YES!

Note: the tire store also changed the oil for charge. Blessings.

Just Come Home

Here's a video from New Spring Church in SC from their Christmas Eve service...powerful!

Christmas Opener: Just Come Home from NewSpring Production on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Got Your Back

Check out a really great post important to any setting where you work closely with other people. I know it's hard to get past the red monkey butts.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Big Give Sunday!

Generosity by Command. Wow, waytocomethru MCCher's! Our Christmas Big Give offering exceeded our expectations. We're going to bring you a final number later this week. But a big, huge thanks for embracing the country of Kenya and particularly the Agape Christian School and The Water Project. Christmas is coming to Kenya ~

Thursday, December 10, 2009

MCCh - Generosity by Command

6 yr old artist Leah Miller, is excited about good, clean drinking water for the people of Kenya and is joining us in our quest to raise $10,ooo to dig a well and put a roof on the Agape Christian School. We're getting other stories of kids getting really focused on collecting change preparing for BIG GIVE Sunday on December 20. What an exciting time to consider the generosity of Jesus to us as we give to others. If you want to give before the 20th please visit Additional information can be found at or at The Water Project.