Friday, August 6, 2010

Leadership Summit - Jeff Manion

The Land Between ~

Numbers 11. We use the language of "for now" when we're in the land between. The land between is fertile soil...fertile for complaint. The land between is also fertile ground for his provision. What if he still provides? What if our gracious God says "keep your hands open, let me provide." What if the land between is

Cosmic treason - "God, we were better off without you".

God's reply to Moses - Is the Lords arm too short?

Discipline: inflicting pain for redemptive purposes.

The land between is fertile soil for Transformational Growth. It doesn't happen automatically. When you travel in the land between your heart is in danger. The wilderness is the best greenhouse for transformation but it is also the place where faith goes to die. The habits of the heart that we foster in this space-our responses and reactions-will determine whether the Land Between results in spiritual life or spiritual death.

Trust evicts complaints. They are incompatible roommates. The land between is where the Holy Spirit does some of his richest and deepest work.

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