Tim Troyer - business coach / The Effective Coach - empowering your team for success
Tim is a business coach for individuals and companies around the world. In addition to his coaching life he also founded The Reckoning International.
Valuable take - aways:
- Every arena of life is designed for God's glory
- Jesus reached people where they were in an authentic honest manner
- Work is part of our holy calling to bring glory to the Lord
- God's principles work regardless of your position in life
- What is empowerment? reversing powerlessness.
- Where's the love and where's the power; LOVE NEVER FAILS. There is power in helping people reach their full potential, believe in people - see their potential, share your resources.
competency based development - knowledge, attitude and skills that shape the behaviors of successful people and businesses. There are things that people need to know, feel and do to be successful. Model leadership with empathy and compassion.
Coaching is not teaching, mentoring, advising or counseling. "Coaching is helping people to learn instead of teaching them." Sir John Whitmore
Adults learn on their own initiative, they learn more keenly and permanently.
- Insight is more powerful than advice. Jesus modeled this powerfully with the coaching he did with his disciples. "Who do people say that I am?" "Who do you say that I am?" Use questions to stimulate answers.
Goal -specific, attainable / What is the one thing I should be doing?
Reality - change your current reality to a better one
Options - what can you start doing right now?
Will - what will you do? Who will you be accountable to?
- "If we are working with people and we don't have a positive impact in their lives - God is not a particularly happy camper"
Favorite quote: "Sometimes we act like Cinderella with amnesia...we dance with the Prince and then forget and regress back to scrubbing floors."
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