How the mighty fall ~
Good is the enemy of Great. It's a matter of conscience We must have great church leadership spread throughout every single corner of the world.
No one is immune...ANYONE can fall.
It is not success that leads to failure. Instead, what will is outrageous arrogance to neglect our life calling and to fail to pursue it as we did when we first discovered it. It is outrageous arrogance to think that because our intentions are good that our actions would necessarily be good.
The signature that separates level 5 leaders from level 4 leaders is HUMILITY and the will to do whatever it takes. Undisciplined pursuit of MORE is what brings the mighty down.
Unless we have all the key seats filled with fantastic people we must resist growth until we have them. Attempting to implement vision without this step equals failure.
Culture of denial ~ Are you a team that is on its way up or way down?
Greatness is a cumulative process.
Measure success by money you will always lose.
Core values are not open for compromise.
To Do:
1. Do your diagnostics.
2. Count your blessings. Why? When you begin to count all the successes and good things in life that came your way with which you had nothing to do, HUMILITY is the result.
3. What is your questions to statements ratio and can you double them in the next year? Spend less time trying to be interesting and more time being interested.
4. How many key seats on your bus are filled and whats the plan to fill the empty seats.
5. Do your team diagnostics.
6. Complete an inventory of the brutal facts with your team.
7. Culture of discipline has nothing to do with what we do but what we are willing to stop doing.
8. Define results and show milestones
9. Double your reach to young people by changing your practices but not your core values.
10. Set some big hairy audacious goals.
Never capitulate, never give in.