Friday, April 22, 2011

The Hunt for the Easter Egg

...perhaps this is the way it is every year and I simply have been oblivious to the obvious. Do I think there is something inherently wrong with an Easter egg hunt? No, of course not. When the kids were younger that's something we always did. If the weather permitted, we would hide them in the bushes and grass around the house and join the kid's in their quest to find them all. To add to the challenge there was candy hidden with the eggs to provide some additional incentive, as if they needed any.

No, it's not the little egg hunt at your house that's got me thinking...what sticks in my craw is the 25,000 eggs or the 30,000 eggs that churches are advertising that they're hiding and that kids should show up and find. Maybe this is the latest "get 'em in the door fad" but to me it sort of feels like an attempt at color-washing (pun intended) the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The bloody gore that indeed is Jesus hanging on the cross is far less palatable than a holy week filled with rabbits and chicks and eggs.

This blog is entitled ...from my perspective and there you have it, my perspective. Maybe I just need a nap.


Norma said...

Pretty good, Gene!

~Norma Schrock

Toby McCrae said...

Nope. Bang on. Glad you didn't nap.

Jason Ropp said...

Dorothy Sayers (a contemporary and friend of C.S. Lewis) wrote that the drama is in the dogma. For her, if the story of God's interaction with humanity was not sufficiently exciting, it was because something was missing in the simple communication of that message, or people weren't actually listening. She argued that the churches that degraded the story into palatable niceties were the reason people think Christianity is boring. If it's all about eggs and rabbits I know I'm not that intrigued.