Saturday, March 12, 2011

BOOST Retreat / The Gift of Crisis - Jay and Beth Shetler

James 1:12-14

Times of crisis cause us to look deep, to evaluate the why's and how's of our life. It gives us opportunity to clarify mission, purpose and values.

What low priority area of life or business is stealing your time and energy?

A crisis tends to reveal our self-doubts, personality weaknesses and fears. If we would act without fear in this crisis, what would we do differently?

Isaiah 62:2

Crisis gives opportunity for genuine community. It is on the path of suffering that we learn best how to love and understand others who are suffering.

From my (Gene) experience, times of crisis grow us into persons that more closely resemble Jesus. And frankly, when we are able to see in "hindsight" what crisis has brought about, the good that has been created because of it...crisis when it comes again, while no more welcome than before; after all we don't seek pain and suffering, becomes a point of growth and expectation. 


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