The following editorial was in the Elkhart Truth the other day and I found myself concurring with Mr. Tuttle's opinion. We have and are relying too much on our government to rescue our economy. Granted there are things the government can do to assist us in the stimulation of our current economic condition but ultimately it's just us, so let's get on with it.
In a Jan. 2 editorial The Elkhart Truth asked, "Where has Governor Daniels been while the local economy faltered?" -- chiding him for not predicting that ElkhartCounty's economy would be negatively affected by the poor economy. Since when is that his job and not ours? This slanted editorial went on to try to diminish the governor's announcement of securing more than $10 million dollars to help retrain RV workers by throwing in another jab, stating: "Unfortunately, the news followed by just a few hours the announcement of another plant closing in Elkhart County." As if the governor was just some incompetent loser who couldn't do anything right. Is that what you meant?
Listen, every community in the country could use more jobs right now. To imply that it is basically the governor's fault is very short-sighted. Indiana has a governor who has received national recognition for the good job he has done, despite extremely difficult economic conditions. We, the people of this state, rewarded him for doing a good job by overwhelmingly voting him to a second term. To me, your editorial is just the kind of journalism we don't need right now. I feel that someone needs to explain to The Truth that the governor is not the only one responsible for what goes on in our state. We have an Indiana General Assembly made up of 100 representatives and 50 senators who write bills and vote on the issues that govern our state. I, for one, think they are doing an admirable job, especially in light of the current economic situation. If the money is not there, it's not there. It doesn't do any good to complain that we need more.
If anything, trying economic times like these should remind us all of how over-dependent we have become on the government and tax monies to supplement our lives. I honestly don't believe that this is what our founding fathers had in mind when they fled the long arm of the king of England and revolted against his over-taxation and involvement in individuals' lives.
I would suggest that wisdom and logic dictate that we point the finger first at us for not diversifying our own industrial base and not sit here and whine about how we want more jobs and diversification. Come on -- do we really blame the governor (or others) for not doing it for us? Since when did ElkhartCounty become some helpless entity, standing in line and waiting for our government handout? I say we are better than that. And in terms of marketing our county, isn't that what organizations like the Economic Development Corp. of ElkhartCounty are all about?
Whining that other counties are winning contracts for new factories and jobs instead of doing everything we can as a county is not a winning solution or defensible argument. I say that it's "our" job to diversify the local industrial base, not anyone else's.
I think we should take responsibility for our situation and quit whining about what the government should be doing for us. That is just the kind of mindset that has led to generational dependence on government assistance and I really don't think it is becoming of the ElkhartCounty that I know and love.
ElkhartCounty has always been the home of entrepreneurialism and creative thinkers, not whiners who just want to get our piece of the handout pie. So here's an opposing view: If we don't like where we are in terms of economic development and diversification in Elkhart County, let's get out there and do something about it and quit waiting for the governor, the government or any other "big brother" to do it for us!
Scott Tuttle is president and owner of Livin' Lite Recreational Vehicles, Wakarusa, In
I agree we failed when we did not diversify our jobs. Why am I talking to someone in India everytime I call HP or Dell or Verizon? I believe we need to wake up and settle for less wages so our jobs don't need to be contracted out to other countries who settle for much less than we do in the States.
By the way, my 30 minute foot Reflexology is only $15, come to me if you get too stressed!
I agree we failed when we did not diversify our jobs. Why am I talking to someone in India everytime I call HP or Dell or Verizon? I believe we need to wake up and settle for less wages so our jobs don't need to be contracted out to other countries who settle for much less than we do in the States.
By the way, my 30 minute foot Reflexology is only $15, come to me if you get too stressed!
Thanks, I'm sure you'll hear from me. Mom becomes quite effervescent when describing your skill as a foot masseuse.
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