Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 2 / Leadership Summit 2011

Dr. Henry Cloud: The evil, the foolish, the wise

  • "This guy" conversation...Wherever you are God has called you to be a steward of a vision.
  • Are you going to allow "this guy" to thwart your vision?
  • What do I do when the TRUTH comes to me?  Leaders must determine what reality is? What about leaders that are allergic to reality? Realize feedback is not necessarily pleasant.
Three types of people:
  •  Wise: truth = change / Confrontation is appreciated / Talk!  The challenge is to make sure they are a match for what you need. Give good feedback. Keep them challenged.
  •  Fool: truth = adjust the truth / deny reality / shoot the messenger / respond with anger / deny ownership / hopelessness ensues /   DO NOT CONFRONT A FOOL!  STOP TALKING!  Address the pattern of resultless conversations. Fools do not change when they escape the truth. They only change when they must camp out in the truth.   Limit your exposure, be clear about the consequences, give them a choice and then follow through.
  •  Evil: destruction is in their hearts - they want to inflict pain / Reject a divisive person after the second warning
John Dickson:  Humilitus

  • Humility is common sense
  • Humility is beautiful
  • Greatness and humility are now one
  • Humility is generative. It  is the place of change and growth.
  • Humility is persuasive. The person that you know has your best interest in mind is the most persuasive.
  • Humility is inspirational. The real power of effective leadership is the ability of a leader to inspire others to greatness.
  • When our great leaders are approachable, have time for us and take the time for us we are inspired.
  •  Some of the most influential leaders don't have the "keys to the kingdom". (Think mid east changes)
  •  We believe good hearted people quicker and to a greater extent. 
Humility is a reflection of the deep structure of reality. At the center of everything is the cross...a symbol of great humility.

Patrick Lencioni: Getting Naked

  • Vulnerability seems to be counter culture but is a direct manifestation of humility. Vulnerability is powerful, vulnerable whether you get rewarded or not.
 Fears related to vulnerability -
  •  The fear of rejection - enter the danger / speak the kind truth / vulnerability doesn't guarantee a pain free experience / people are desperate for someone to tell them the kind truth /
  •  The fear of embarrassment - if those around you think you are editing yourself to protect your image they won't trust you / ask dumb questions/celebrate your mistakes / when we acknowledge our humanity we attract people - they want to be around us
  •  The fear of feeling inferior - do the dirty work / let those in your charge see you doing the things you ask them to do / Think - Jesus washing his disciples feet / honor your clients work / SERVICE!! 
Erwin McManus: Chasing Daylight

  • Ecclesiastes 1 -There is nothing new under the sun . Believing this has created an apathy that has plagued the church to this day. 
  •  Isaiah 43 ...behold I am doing a new thing. When you step into the presence of the creator of the universe everything becomes new...he reminds us that we can't put this new wine into these old wineskins.
  •  Evil men do not wait for permission to create the future but unfortunately good people sit idly by waiting on God to create the perfect future.
  •  Don't wait for someone else to create the better future when we have the character and heart of God in us
  •  We need to become the cultivators of human talent.
  • Most of us die painfully tragically ordinary.
  • The church needs to be the nurturer of the human spirit. 
  • What would happen if the world would looks at us as the epicenter of creativity?
  • We at our best are not in the slightest bit intimidating to God.
  • We need to reclaim the truth telling power of the gospel.
  • Whoever tells the best story will shape the culture.
  • Its not that hard to bring people to Jesus when you tell a story that places them in the same story as God.

Tell the truth from our podiums and churches and we will not have the capacity to hold all those that will come our way.

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